管观秀 博士

时间:2023-06-09   浏览:1680



E-mail: guan@hsu.edu.cn



2011/09-2015/06  江西农业大学生物科学专业,本科

2015/09-2022/06  吉林农业大学菌物学专业,博士

2022/09-至今     黄山学院,讲师










1. 2023.04-2026.03,黄山学院2022年度校级人才启动项目,离壁壳族白粉菌分类学研究,2022xkjq010,主持,在研

2. 2023.10-2025.09,安徽省乡村振兴协同技术服务中心(黄山学院)2023年度开放基金课题项目,皖南地区羊肚菌生物学特性及驯化栽培分析,XCZXZD2303,主持,在研



1. Guan, G.; Liu, S.; Braun, U.; Qiu, P.; Liu, J.; Zhao, F.; Tang, S.; Li, J.; Nguyen, V. A cryptic powdery mildew species found on Hieracium and Pilosella (Compositae)—Golovinomyces hieraciorum sp. nov. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2022, 61, 107–117.

2. Guan, G.; Liu, S.; Murray, T.; Tang, S. Occurrence of powdery mildew caused by Cystotheca kusanoi on Oak trees in China. Forest Pathology, 2022, 00, e12761.

3. Guan, G.; Liu, S.; Braun, U. Validation of the name Golovinomyces hieraciorum. Schlechtendalia, 2022, 39, 110–111.

4. Bradshaw, M.; Guan, G.; Nokes, L.; Braun, U.; Liu, S.; Pfister, D. Establishing a sequencing protocol for secondary DNA barcodes (GAPDH, RpB2, CAM and GS) to strengthen the powdery mildew phylogeny. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, 918908.

5. Tang, S.; Liu, S.; Feng, J.; Guan, G.; Liu, X.; Jiang, R.; Liu, L.; Jin, D.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X. Revisiting Phyllactinia species on Broussonetia spp. in China. Forest Pathology, 2022, 00, e12727.

6. Feng, J.; Liu, S.; Braun, U.; Takamatsu, S.; Bradshaw, M.; Khodaparast, S.; Bulgakov, T.; Guan, G.; Zhao, F.; Tang, S. Discovery of a Cryptic Species, Erysiphe Salicina sp. nov., and Reconstruction of The Phylogeny of Powdery Mildews On Populus and Salix spp.. Mycological Progress, 2022, 21, 1–9.

7. Bradshaw, M.; Braun, U.; Elliott, M.; Kruse, J.; Liu, S.; Guan, G.; Tobin, Patrick. A global genetic analysis of herbarium specimens reveals the invasion dynamics of an introduced plant pathogen. Fungal Biology, 2021, 125, 585e595.

8. Qiu, P.; Tang, S.; Guan, G.; Yu Li, Susumu Takamatsu, Shu-Yan Liu. Revisiting a poorly known powdery mildew species: morphology and molecular phylogeny of Erysiphe longissimi. Mycoscience, 2019, 60(4): 250–254.

9. Nguyen, V.; Guan, G.; Zhao, F.; Tang, S.; Li, Y.; Liu, S. Erysiphe deutziae causing powdery mildew on Deutzia parviflora var. amurensis in China. Forest Pathology, 2018, e12454.

10. Qiu, P.; Nguyen, V.; Guan, G.; Li, Y.; Takamatsu, S.; Liu, S. Occurrence of powdery mildew caused by Golovinomyces orontii on Lactuca sativa var. ramosa (lettuce) in China. Crop Protection, 2018, 110, 108–111.