万顺利 博士 教授

时间:2019-01-04   浏览:6288



E-mail: wsl@hsu.edu.cn



2005/09-2009/06  青岛大学环境工程专业,本科

2009/09-2012/06  南京大学环境工程专业,硕士

2015/09-2018/06  浙江工业大学环境科学与工程,博士

2012/06-2018/10  黄山学院,助教

2018/11-2022/11  黄山学院,副教授(破格晋升)

2018/12-2019/12  安徽徽州经济开发区管委会副主任(挂职)

2021/08-2023/08  黄山市徽州区人民政府副区长(挂职)

2022/12-至今    黄山学院,教授(破格晋升)

2024/01-至今    黄山学院生命与环境科学学院副院长
















1. 2018.01-2019.12,省级教学研究项目,环境生态类理科专业教学条件及实践教学质量标准研究,2017jyxm1294,结题

2. 2021.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,微电场介导亚10纳米铁氧化物复合材料的研制及其深度除磷特性,22006047,主持,结题

3. 2019.06-2022.06,安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,高活性锰基杂化材料深度净化水体中重金属的特性研究,1908085QB86,主持,结题



1. Wan, S.*; Li, Y.; Cheng, S.; Wu, G.; Yang, X.; Wang, Y.; Gao, L. Cadmium removal by FeOOH nanoparticles accommodated in biochar: Effect of the negatively charged functional groups in host.  Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 421, 126807.

2. Dong, L.; Li, Y.; Wen, X.*; Zhao, M.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, M.; Wan, S.* A new strategy for enhanced phosphate removal from waters using ferric oxide impregnated biochar. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 485, 149953.

3. Wan, S.; Yu, C.; Li, Y.; Lu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; He, F.* Highly selective and ultrafast removal of cadmium and copper from water by magnetic core-shell microsphere. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405, 126576.

4. Li, Y.; Gao, L.*; Wang, Y.; Cheng, S.; Wu, G.; Yang, X.; Wan, S*. Development of an acidized biochar supported hydrated Fe(III) oxides for highly efficient cadmium and copper sequestration from water. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 784, 147087.

5. Li, Y.; Gao, L.*; Lu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wan, S.* Enhanced removal of heavy metals from water by hydrous ferric oxide-modified biochar. ACS omega, 2020, 5, 28702-28711.

6. Wan, S.; Qiu, L.; Li, Y.; Sun, J.; Gao, B.; He, F.*; Wan, W. Accelerated antimony and copper removal by manganese oxide embedded in biochar with enlarged pore structure. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 402, 126021.

7.  Wan, S.; Qiu, L.; Tang, G.; Chen, W.; Li, Y.; Gao, B.; He, F.⁎ Ultrafast sequestration of

cadmium and lead from water by manganese oxide supported on a macro-mesoporous biochar. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 387, 124095-124104.

8. Wan, S.; Lin, J.; Tao, W.; Yang, Y.; Li, Y.; He, F.* Enhanced fluoride removal from water  by nanoporous biochar-supported magnesium oxide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 9988-9996.

9. Wan, S.; Ding, W.; Wang, Y.; Wu, J.; Gu, Y.; He, F.* Manganese oxide nanoparticles impregnated graphene oxide aggregates for cadium and copper remediation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 350, 1135-1143.

10. Wan, S.; Wu, J.; Zhou, S.; Wang, R.; Gao, B.; He, F.* Enhanced lead and cadmium

removal using biochar-supported hydrated manganese oxide (HMO) nanoparticles: Behavior and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616-617, 1298–1306.